Mimo's Quest

Operation Desert Storm DSK - My first Amstrad CPC BASIC game!
Developing Mimo's Quest PDF
- How I programmed Mimo's Quest

Mimo's Quest ZIP - Amstrad CPC 464/6128 disk file
Mimo's Quest CPR - Amstrad CPC Plus cartridge (WIP)

Mimo's Quest ASM source files - Source code for Mimo

Mimo's Quest inlay card - For cassette tape
Mimo's Quest inlay card - For cartridge (WIP)

Mimo's Quest world map

This source code is provided here for those wanting to learn assembly language on the Amstrad or to see how the game works and maybe develop adventures themselves!
This game is very much in the alpha stage! There are still lots of things still needing to be done before it will be fully playable!

Loading instructions
Type RUN"MIMO to run the program.

Mimo has wandered away from his island home and gotten lost. Guide Mimo across strange islands and undertake various quests in order to help him on his journey back home.

Joystick only at the moment.
Fire button 1 - Fire activated weapon.
Fire button 2 - Show menu.

Operation Desert Storm BASIC game

Operation Desert Storm BASIC game

Mimo's Quest